
Free Websites Analysis Software

WebGrapher is a free websites analysis software that has been built in Java and can be used for analyzing and graphing your websites. WebGrapher free websites analysis released on Sept 30 2011. Download free websites analysis software WebGrapher. WebGrapher File Size 285 KB . WebGrapher websites analysis software Website

WebGrapher websites analysis has two main components: A Web crawler, which crawls a Web site for links and analyzes them; and a grapher, which takes the output of the crawler as input and displays a nicely formatted graph of your Web site. This free websites analysis software can finds broken links (e.g., missing files) and invalid links (e.g., invalid syntax). It also gathers Web-site hierarchical data into a directed graph in standard Dotty format and visually displays graph on link information, including color-coded broken and invalid links. WebGrapher free websites analysis software requires Java and GraphViz

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