
Speed Up Windows Boot with Startup Delayer

Speed up Windows boot time

Speed up Windows boot time with free Startup Delayer software. Startup Delayer gives you the power to optimize your Startup Process by delaying applications from starting up as soon as you log into your computer. Download Free Startup Delayer 3 to speed up Windows boot time. Startup Delayer 3 Website

When Windows loads it's startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU and Disk time in that process it makes your Windows boot time longer.

You can speed up Windows boot time  by delaying your startup applications. Startup Delayer will start launching your delayed applications when your computer is more idle. You can fully customize your Windows application startup by specific time and configure run type by  normal, minimized, maximized windows.

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